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Earn yields of up to 10% in USD and up to 22% in KZT by investing in high-yield bonds. Unlock the opportunities offered by financial instruments from reliable issuers.
Experience and time both play crucial role for effective financial management. With the Personal Broker service, you will have access to a Personal Advisor having over 10 years of work experience in the stock market. The Personal Advisor will shape a customized strategy subject to your goals and preferences, help you achieve financial success.
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The results of the initial public offering of Air Astana shares, which took place from January 29 to February 8, 2024, have been summed up. The BCC Group (Bank CenterCredit JSC and BCC Invest JSC) collected applications from investors amounting to more than 30 billion tenge (equivalent to $72 million). This represents more than 33% of the volume of all applications collected as part of the Air Astana IPO on the domestic market.
Moody's assigned BCC Invest a long-term corporate rating at the Ba3 level, as well as long-term and short-term counterparty risk ratings (CRRs) in foreign and national currencies at the Ba3/Not Prime level, "Pozitivniy" forecast.
The yield of the “CenterCredit – Razumniy Balance” Mutual fund in KZT is 26.96%, the yield of the “CenterCredit – Valutniy” Mutual fund for the same period is 21.91 % in USD, and the “BCC Elite” Mutual fund demonstrated a yield of 16.60% per annum in KZT.
Kazakhstan, A05G1D2, Almaty, Panfilov-98, © 2024 JSC “BCC Invest” State license No. 3.2.235/12 dated July 10, 2018 to carry out activities in the securities market
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Working with Partners and External Agents. numbers: 39062, 39012 agent@bcc-invest.kz
Risk Information for Clients of JSC «BCC Invest». This material has been prepared by employees of JSC «BCC Invest» and is distributed for informational purposes only. The distribution of this material does not constitute investment consulting activity. The information provided in this material is not an individual investment recommendation. This information is not an exhaustive presentation of current financial or commercial events and cannot be used as such. The recipient of this material should not rely solely on the information provided to make decisions. Calculations, historical data, and other information that may be contained in this material are prepared by BCC Invest employees based on information and data obtained from public sources. BCC Invest does not verify and is not obligated to verify the completeness, accuracy, and reliability of such information. Any information provided by BCC Invest is used by the client solely at their discretion and at their own risk. The information provided by BCC Invest is not an offer to purchase and/or an obligation to sell any securities, an inducement to enter into a transaction, or a recommendation to the client on investment, tax, and legal matters, including the suitability of the transaction for the client's specific objectives. Before carrying out transactions with securities, including foreign securities, currency, and derivative financial instruments with various types of underlying assets (hereinafter referred to as "Financial Instruments"), the recipients of this information must familiarize themselves with the documents that characterize the specified Financial Instruments (prospectus of issue, etc.) and to conduct comprehensive consultations with their financial, legal, tax, accounting, and other consultants before concluding a transaction with Financial Instruments. Engaging in transactions involving Financial Instruments entails certain risks, for which BCC Invest cannot be held responsible, as they are beyond the reasonable control of the parties, and their ability to foresee and prevent the consequences of such risks is limited or impossible. Potential Financial Instruments (options, futures, etc.) may not be suitable for all investors, and trading these instruments is considered risky. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The value of investments may decrease or increase, and the investor may not recoup the amount of their initial investments. Some investments may become unfeasible due to the illiquidity of the securities market or the absence of a secondary market (investor interest), and therefore the assessment of investments and the determination of investor risks may not lend themselves to quantitative assessment. Investments in illiquid securities imply a high degree of risk and are suitable only for experienced investors who are insensitive to such risks and do not require easy and rapid conversion of investments into cash. Securities denominated in foreign currency are subject to fluctuations depending on exchange rates, which may negatively affect the value or price of investments, as well as the income received from investments. Other risk factors affecting the price, value, or income from investments include, but are not limited to, political risks, economic risks, credit risks, as well as market risks. Investments in emerging markets and securities of emerging markets carry a high degree of risk, and investors should conduct thorough preliminary research before making investments. The client must independently assess the possibility of entering into transactions involving Financial Instruments. The client should not enter into a transaction if its economic and legal substance, documentation, terms, and associated risks remain unclear or do not align with the client's objectives, intentions, and expectations. Engaging in transactions involving Financial Instruments may involve significant financial and other risks. For this reason, these transactions are intended for individuals who are willing to accept the associated risks and are capable of bearing possible financial losses. Before entering into any transaction, the client must ensure that they understand the risks associated with entering into the relevant transaction and possess the necessary financial and other resources to fulfill the obligations assumed under any scenario. When making a decision to engage in operations on the financial market, it is necessary to consider that investing in financial instruments carries the risk of not achieving expected returns, partial or even total loss of invested funds, as well as possible expenses and losses. Financial instruments are not bank deposits, and the risks associated with them are not covered by insurance in accordance with applicable law. The return on investments and profitability of investments in financial instruments are not guaranteed by the government. Information about anticipated positive returns may be nothing more than assumptions. Past investment performance does not determine future results, and the value of assets can both increase and decrease. BCC Invest provides no guarantees or assurances and accepts no responsibility regarding the financial results that may be obtained by the client based on the information provided. When making decisions regarding operations in the financial market, it is important to consider that investing in financial instruments carries the risk of not achieving expected returns, experiencing partial or total loss of invested funds, as well as potential expenses and losses. Financial instruments are not bank deposits, and the risks associated with them are not insured under current legislation. The return on investments and the profitability of investments in financial instruments are not guaranteed by the government. Information about anticipated positive returns may be regarded as assumptions. Past investment performance does not determine future results, and the value of assets can both increase and decrease. BCC Invest provides no guarantees or assurances and accepts no responsibility regarding the financial results that may be obtained by the client based on the information provided.